Source code for libfuncpy.lib

"""Contain functions."""
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import partial, reduce
from operator import (
    lt, le, eq, ne, ge, gt,
    add, sub, truediv, floordiv, mul, matmul, mod, pow, neg, pos,
    contains, concat,
    and_, or_, xor, not_, truth,
    invert, lshift, rshift,
    is_, is_not,
    setitem, getitem, delitem,
    )  # noqa: F401

[docs]def vartial(func, *args, **keywords): """ Prepare a function with args and kwargs except for the first arg. Functions like `functools.partial` except that the resulting preprepared function expects the first positional argument. Example ------- >>> pow2 = vartial(math.pow, 2) >>> pow2(3) 9 >>> pow2(4) 16 This is different from: >>> pow_base_3 = partial(math.pow, 3) >>> pow_base_3(2) 9 >>> pow_base_3(4) 81 """ def newfunc(value, *fargs, **fkeywords): # newkeywords = {**keywords, **fkeywords} newkeywords = keywords.copy() newkeywords.update(fkeywords) return func(value, *args, *fargs, **newkeywords) newfunc.func = func newfunc.args = args newfunc.keywords = keywords return newfunc
[docs]def give(value): """ Preare a function to return a value when called. Ignore `*args` and `**kwargs`. Example ------- >>> true = give(True) >>> true() True >>> five = give(5) >>> five(4, 6, 7, 8, some_args='some string') 5 """ def newfunc(*ignore, **everything): return value newfunc.value = value return newfunc
# predefined set ups true = give(True) false = give(False) none = give(None)
[docs]def pass_(value): """ Do nothing, just pass the value. Example ------- >>> pass_(1) 1 """ return value
[docs]def f1f2(f1, f2, *a, **k): """ Apply one function after the other. Call `f1` on the return value of `f2`. Args and kwargs apply to `f2`. Example ------- >>> f1f2(str, int, 2) "2" """ return f1(f2(*a, **k))
[docs]def f2f1(f1, f2, *a, **k): """ Apply the second function after the first. Call `f2` on the return value of `f1`. Args and kwargs apply to `f1`. Example ------- >>> f2f1(str, int, 2) 2 """ return f2(f1(*a, **k))
[docs]def ternary_operator(iflogic, assertion, elselogic): """ Apply ternary operator logic executing functions. Functions should be preconfigured and accept no arguments. Better if you see the code: `return iflogic() if assertion() else elselogic()` """ return iflogic() if assertion() else elselogic()
[docs]def ternary_operator_v(x, iflogic, assertion, elselogic): """ Apply ternary operator logic executing functions. Functions should receive a single value: `x`. Better if you see the code: `return iflogic(x) if assertion(x) else elselogic(x)` Parameters ---------- x The value to pass to each function. """ return iflogic(x) if assertion(x) else elselogic(x)
[docs]def make_iterable(value): """ Transform into an iterable. Transforms a given `value` into an iterable if it is not. Else, return the value itself. Example ------- >>> make_iterable(1) [1] >>> make_iterable([1]) [1] """ try: iter(value) except TypeError: return [value] else: return value
[docs]def reduce_helper(value, f, *a, **k): """ Help in `reduce`. Helper function when applying `reduce` to a list of functions. Parameters ---------- value : anything f : callable The function to call. This function receives `value` as first positional argument. *a, **k Args and kwargs passed to `f`. """ return f(value, *a, **k)
[docs]def chainf(init, *funcs): """ Run functions in sequence starting from an initial value. Example ------- >>> chainf(2, [str, int, float]) 2.0 """ return reduce(reduce_helper, funcs, init)
[docs]def chainfs(*funcs): """ Store functions be executed on a value. Example ------- >>> do = chainfs(str, int, float) >>> do(2) 2.0 """ def execute(value): return chainf(value, *funcs) return execute
[docs]def if_elif_else(value, condition_function_pair): """ Apply logic if condition is True. Parameters ---------- value : anything The initial value condition_function_pair : tuple First element is the assertion function, second element is the logic function to execute if assertion is true. Returns ------- The result of the first function for which assertion is true. """ for condition, func in condition_function_pair: if condition(value): return func(value)
[docs]def whileloop(cond, func, do_stopiteration=none, do_exhaust=none): """ Execute while loop. All function accept no arguments. If state needs to be evaluated, `cond` and `func` need to be synchronized. Parameters ---------- cond : callable The `while` loop condition. func : callable The function to call on each while loop iteration. do_stopiteration : callable The function to execute when `func` raises StopIteration error. do_exhaust : callable The function to execute when while loop exhausts. Return ------ None """ while cond(): try: func() except StopIteration: do_stopiteration() return do_exhaust() return
[docs]def consume(gen): """ Consume generator in a single statement. Example ------- >>> consume(generator) """ for _ in gen: pass
[docs]def mapc(f, *iterables): """ Consume map function. Like `map()` but it is not a generator; `map` is consumed immediately. """ return consume(map(f, *iterables))
[docs]def flatlist(list_): """ Flat a list recursively. This is a generator. """ # escape strings which would yield infinite recursion if isinstance(list_, str): yield list_ else: try: for sublist in list_: yield from flatlist(sublist) except TypeError: # sublist is not iterable yield sublist
[docs]def raise_(exception, *ignore, **everything): """Raise exception.""" raise exception
[docs]@contextmanager def context_engine( func, exceptions, doerror, doelse, dofinally, *args, **kwargs): """Make a context engine.""" try: result = func(*args, **kwargs) except (exceptions) as err: doerror(err, *args, **kwargs) else: yield result doelse(result, *args, **kwargs) finally: dofinally(*args, **kwargs)
# If Then Else ite = ternary_operator itev = ternary_operator_v # conditionals is_none = partial(is_, None) is_not_none = partial(is_not, None) # To deprecate in version 1 ITE = ternary_operator ITEX = ternary_operator_v ternary_operator_x = ternary_operator_v # chainfs, can be replaced with vartial(chainf, f1, f2, f3)